I can't believe I already finished one third of this year away. And I can't believe 2016 is over.
I don't even have a specific reason why this year was so terrible to me, it was just the summ of everything that happened and that didn't happen.
My brother and his girlfriend broke up, the one couple I believed in to be forever together. I always said I would lose my faith in love if this ever happened, and look what appeared to be true. One of my closest friends moved to England for a semester abroad and then decided to stay there. My dutch course broke apart and won't take place again. One of my best friends went to Finland for six months. A close friend moved away and now we're not close anymore. Two of my bunnies died, one of them only 14 weeks old. Rock am Ring as a desaster. I had to move away from everything I love basically. My brother moved away. I finished LOST.
At least that last month finally felt good to me at most points. Sure, I was confused and insecure again because I don't know how to feel correctly anymore, but I could handle things somehow. Not everything in this last year was bad, I just can't rethink every single day. And I don't want to. "And then it was done. Over with. Never to happen again."
2016, I turned into a person I never wanted to be and still don't want to. It was just everything and nothing that happened and didn't happen, nothing specific but everything important.
The only good thing in 2016 were the rockshows.
I started to think if happiness during the rest of the year works antiproportional to its rockshows. Because at most of these, I was damn high and - for just a few wonderful moments - happy. Meeting Halestorm and especially Shinedown meant the world to me. June was just one trip on this wave of music and people. I never was so close to Nickelback like at the show this year.
I found some new music in 2016: Alter Bridge and Sixx:AM, two bands I always wanted to try out but for some reason never did. Like A Storm were amazing at the Alter Bridge show, so I'll listen to them, too.
And what would a year be without its people. 2016, I got to know Erik, a close friend now and my source of new music at all times. Thanks for just caring and for understanding my "please-take-me-back-home"-feeling. I met Rike at the Shinedown show in Hamburg, someone I'd love to see more often. The new ink is HILARIOUS, sister! And most important, Janina - who made Rock am Ring at least worth the visit. Love you much, my dear! Thank you for everything. Of course, moving to Würzburg also brought new people to my life. Just to mention the most important ones - Ralf, Kristian and Anna: you made the time here much better for me, and I wouldn't want to miss you in my life now; not as colleagues but even more important: not as friends.
And there are more people I'd like to say thank you to - for getting me through this strange year: Mom and Dad, simply for everything; John for being my best friend; Janis for showing me how strange friendship can look; Sophie for unforgettable love and talks and times I needed so badly; Ina for showing me the good time aren't over; Alicia for just being that weird lovely girl I love; Joost for listening whenever I need someone and for giving the best advice; Anneke for being my moral and emotional back up; Stella for making me feel much better with the way I live and love; Caro for being so lovely and helpful; Inga for being my positive friend from school who always helps me smile again; Lara for simply everything because she is so amazing; Anna for making the strange days even stranger and the funny ones even funnier; Svenja for being my better half basically and for all she is; Christina for rocking with me if possible; Fabian for caring about Johnny so much and for being such a good friend; Lars for never writing back but still being the most amazing person ever; Lina for laughing with me; Jule for English courses and the times beside this; Maike for incredible karaoke-nights; Megan for tv-series-watching no matter how boring it gets; Anne for keeping us all together somehow; Britta for gaming and fun; Paulina for talks, rockshows ans love; the rest of my family for everything of course - and Zach, Brent, Barry, Eric, Lzzy, Arejay, Joe and Josh for the most amazing moments of 2016.
Not everything will be better in 2017, but at least there's a small chance somethings will change.
I'll close this one with the only song that ever made sense in a post like this: HERE'S TO US!
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