
Reading Diary - THE BEAST (PART ONE) #6

Dear J.R. Ward,

So I finished the first part of THE BEAST - and I LOVED it! Thank you for being this crazy author who writes the best vampire novels the world has ever seen.

So far, I mostly love that you bring back the original brothers. As Rhage means a lot to me, I'm overly happy to read about him and his life again - even though the beginning of the book made me concerned and, yes, also sad. But I can see where this is going and I know it will be wonderful to read about him being a dad.

I also like the overall story about the Lessening Society and the Band of Bastards. It's getting interesting when it comes to Layla and Xcor on the one hand and Assail and Throe on the other. By the way, Assail turned out to be a fantastic character, part asshole, part broken-hearted, loyal in the end, full of surprises. I can see a friendship with Vishous developping and this will be amazing.
It's always the harder part to work through the texts from Jo Early's eyes. However, as I know you never just do things because that's it, I am sure this will lead us to a new phase of problems for the Brotherhood. I hope this will get more interesting in time.

Your style of writing is still a crazy good mixture. Funny, yet serious and always easy to read. I also think it's good that you put a little less sex scenes in there when it comes to the brothers because we basically know about that a lot. However, that Assail-Throe-thing is a good fun read.

What's left to say? I want the second part of that book. That's what I hate about it, that the German publisher splits it up in two to make more money (also because the book got more expensive anyways). It's just the time I wait - can't stand that.

Keep on being crazy and writing these novels. Thanks.


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