
8 - John Locke

"The number 8 stands for the balancing justice, harmony and wise action. It embodies the balance between giving and taking" (herzvertrauen.de). The 8 is the number of infinity, resurrection and healing, leadership, but also forcing control, self-righteousness, envy and intolerance.

John Locke was in a wheelchair for four years before he crashed with the others on the island. There he can suddenly walk again. He also seems to have come back from the dead in the sixth season. So healing and resurrection are closely linked to his character.

Locke is a man in need of harmony. He mediates disputes between Walt and Michael and wants to stay on the island forever. The balance between giving and taking is important to him. He calls Boone a "victim the island demands" – and hopes for a sign that leads his way in return.

His qualities as a leader show themselves at the latest when the others make him their leader. Infinity is reflected in John as he stops the island's time leaps. He has great faith in fate and the island. However, this is also where his controlling obsession is shown when he loses control because the island no longer seems to tell him what to do when Boone dies and the hatch remains closed. Even later, when one part of the group moves to the others‘ village, he begins to exercise control and tells Claire that this community is not a democracy.

His self-righteousness shows itself in his weaker moments, especially towards Jack or Ben, whom he repeatedly tells when they are wrong. He is also bossy and self-righteous towards Charlie, whom he later accuses of being a heroin addict again. This is also where his intolerance shows itself. At the same time, John envies Jack for his position as leader.

John Locke embodies the number 8. So who’s 15?

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