
Shinedown Roadtrip: Frankfurt

Kilometers traveled: 4.782

Shows: 5/10

I can't believe we're already halfway through this roadtrip. It feels unreal and I don't want this to end.

Frankfurt was an amazing show. I had one of my closest friends with me, the gorgeous Carolin from Würzburg, and it was our first concert together. It was also her very first Shinedown show ever. And it was the first time for months that we saw each other which was just really important. 

So we went into the show. 

I already said something about Press to Meco and how cool they are. Now let me focus a little more on the "Special Guest" part of the show: Starset.

When the tour was announced, Stef told me to listen to Starset before the first show. She's a fan of that band, too, and I totally understand why. Their music convinced me the first time I heard "Carnivore". But what I didn't know was just how incredible their live shows are. They go up on stage in space suits, they have so much gear, they are seven people on stage. It's insane. And the music is even better when they play it live. During this whole tour, I'm not only looking forward to seeing Shinedown, I also really celebrate the Starset set. It's amazing. This band really won some new fans as my friends who came to some shows and I will most definitely go to the next Starset tour to see them as headliner. 

In Frankfurt, Shinedown played "Misfits" accoustic which was beautiful. Carolin, too, was convinced of that band (and had a really nice talk with Matt and Zach after the show - guess she will now and forever be introduced as my bodyguard). Her favorite song is "Brilliant", so the ending of the show gave her the high she definitely deserved. And, after three attempts that failed, I finally got a wristband from Zach (thanks for trying to give it to me so many times). 

Now that half of the Shinedown Roadtrip is over, all I can say is: I am so overly happy that we are doing this and I would definitely do it again. This band is worth every cent, every second of waiting in the cold, every missed meal and missing hour of sleep. I love these people so much.

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