I just
wanted to tell you something: You are beautiful. You look fantastic today. Your
style rocks.
I know it’s
not easy to be satisfied with the way we look. Especially (but not exclusively)
as women. Because people, society, they tell us what is right, what is
“normal”, what is sexy and what is pretty. But they have no idea. It’s up to
you. You wear what you like, you get the haircolor and haircut you want, you
can get tattoos all over your body or none, piercings, make up. The way your
body looks? Do what is healthy for you – physically and mentally.
don’t like the way you look? Change it! Dare to try something new. Hair will
grow back, you can choose a new color whenever, you can change your clothes and
put on make up if you want to, but also remove it if you don’t feel like it.
(Think about tattoos though, they are meant to last, so if you’re not sure try
out henna first.)
If YOU are
not satisfied with your weight or your body? Work on it. Work out. Eat healthy.
It’s not always easy, but every day you get after it is a good start. Take care
of yourself. You only get this one body, so treat it with respect. But also,
treat it with love.
The only
important thing about the way you look is: DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Not for any girl
or boy. Not for your parents. Nor for your boss. Not for society.
yourself. Love yourself. You deserve it.
I love your
look. And so should you.
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